
Lifelong leadership learning in Cumbria

Top tips for interviews

It’s around this time of year that many young people start considering their next steps.

Whether you’re a school leaver looking for an apprenticeship or a student applying to a graduate scheme. Regardless of where you are in your career journey, all of these paths have something in common – at some stage or another – you will be expected to attend an interview. For most of us this can be a nerve wrecking experience, filled with self-doubt and trepidation. From a recruiter’s perspective here are some simple tips that can help you impress the interviewer:

  1. Ahead of your interview make sure you research the organisation. By this I don’t simply mean the year it was founded or which regions it operates in, but something more fresh and current. Check their website for recent press releases. Studying what is current can provide the opportunity to open a genuine conversation with the interviewer, whilst also impressing them with your eye for detail.
  2. Know what you want to say. When you go into the interview be prepared to answer questions around your skills and competencies. Take a moment beforehand to reflect on your experiences – personal and professional – and how they align with the functions of the role.
  3. Practice. Ahead of exams many students will complete mocks as part of a ‘dry run’ for the real thing. In doing so they acknowledge that practice will prepare them for the big day. Yet many young people don’t consider sitting down with a family member or friend to practice an interview scenario – don’t get me wrong, it can be awkward at first – but practicing allows you to construct considered answers and optimise your delivery.
  4. Last but certainly not least; smile. The first impression is a key moment of the interview and it’s very easy to get it right. Maintain an open posture, greet your interviewer(s) and relax.

Regardless of the outcome, interviews are an excellent way to develop your communication skills and build self-confidence.

I hope you have found these useful. If you would like further guidance please do not hesitate to contact the NRL Egremont branch.

Oliver Dorgan

Recruitment Consultant, NRL.

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Lifelong Leadership Learning in Cumbria