
Lifelong leadership learning in Cumbria


Stephen Pettit

Secondary Project Lead

Stephen grew up on the West Coast of Cumbria until he left Workington to fulfil his childhood dream of being a soldier. Following his service, he worked in different roles ranging from being a Welfare Case Worker for the Royal British Legion to a Housing Officer in the social housing sector. Most recently Stephen worked as a manager for a large team, leading them to tackle homelessness and poverty.

Stephen also comes with vast experience working with 12 to 18 year olds as he is a Cadet Force Adult Volunteer in Cumbria Army Cadet Force and holds the rank as a staff sergeant.

“Working with the younger generation for me is incredibly encouraging and seeing them progress through the training is so rewarding. Now I am a part of the secondary team at CforLP I can double-barrel my approach and go home with uncontrollable smiles of success”.

Not only does Stephen volunteer his spare time to train and mentor the younger generation he also has heavy involvement with the same approach to new adults joining the UK’s largest youth organisation.

“An effective leader should come with so many different qualities but one that stands out for me is being courageous, by which I mean having the moral courage to always do the right thing, even in the face of adversity. To aid that, it is also about having professional and personal integrity but above all, never ask someone to do something you are not willing to do yourself”.

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Lifelong Leadership Learning in Cumbria